About Cedrick Okiorina

Journey is life. Deeper is what we seek for everyday.

We pray that these little stories of our journey in seeking purposeful travel and a meaningful life will stir your heart. To live, laugh, and love.

How Can I Afford The Travel Life?

A lot of people have asked me, “Cedric, how do you pay to travel to these many countries?” I began working at quite a young age and knew I wanted to travel a lot so basically saved every single cent I could to fund my next adventure. I’m not constantly traveling, though; I’ll head home and work full-time (with as much overtime as I possibly can) for a year or so before heading off again. I’m thankful, grateful (and incredibly lucky) to have a boss who gets it and always has work for me when I come home which really is just amazing – thanks, Joe!


Plus, while I’m traveling, I live VERY frugally. I pack light – only necessities – and live off the bare minimum the vast majority of the time.

How Can I Afford The Travel Life
What’s Most Important To Me?

What’s Most Important To Me?

Obviously the first thing on this list is my family. Further to this, though, I really want to stress that I truly, sincerely care about the world we’re living in. I travel to meet locals, hear their incredible stories, and share whatever I can with them. I’ll often spend time living with the locals, sometimes in pretty remote spots, because that’s what I love. Life is not about things; it’s about experiences. And while I’ll never have a Mercedes or own a property, my life experiences make everything 1000% worth it.